Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sprout Team To Open Lakeview Spot in 2012

The Sprout kitchen team includes Executive Chef Dale Levitski (second from right) and sous chef Sara Nguyen. (Photo: Sprout)

In October, Sprout's Dale Levitski told 312DD that he was looking to open a second location.

Thursday, he revealed to the Chicago Tribune that the new restaurant is going to be a French-American bistro called frog n snail in Lakeview:

"(Levitski) describes it as French classics with Midwestern sensibilities, with touches of his Eastern European roots. It’ll be a return to roots of sorts, the sort of food he was cooking at Andersonville’s La Tache.

'It’s not a concept that’s reinventing the wheel,' he said. 'My neighborhood needs a French-American bistro.'

He chose the space at Broadway St. and Barry Ave. (next to Reckless Records, lease pending) because a) in the 70’s his family owned a boat at Belmont Harbor, b) he thought that stretch of Broadway was overrun by casual Asian, Mexican and pizza joints, and c) Levitski lives across the street.

His menu will have steak au poivre, bouillabaisse, quiche, pierogis, chicken and crawfish, and a dish of the restaurant’s namesake: frogs and snails."

Levitski's planning a spring 2012 opening.


  1. This is word by word copy of the trib story!

  2. Do you NOT SEE the quotation marks, indicating that those paragraphs are from the Tribune article?!

