Thursday, December 1, 2011

West Town's 'Dining Around' Coming Soon

Arami interior photo via

The deadest time of the year for restaurants is in January, so Leopold owner Christy Agee came up with a great idea to generate extra $$$ for the spots in West Town.

She's partnered with West Town Chicago Chamber of Commerce to launch the area's first-ever Dining Around event, which will spotlight chef-driven destinations such as Arami, Branch 27, Ruxbin and West Town Tavern. The restaurant that I'm also hoping will get onboard for this project is long-time Italian favorite, A Tavola, which is owned by chef Dan Bocik. It's been around since 1995.

Of course, Leopold Executive Chef Jeffrey Hedin will participate, creating a special dish that will not be on the regular menu. The same goes for the other restaurants.

The real deal is that diners will get a "passport," which they'll be able to use in the future for special deals.

Dining Around launches Jan. 15 and will run through mid-March.

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