Thursday, January 26, 2012

Bonsoiree, EL Chefs Collab On 'Anti Restaurant Week Dinner'

Shin Thompson (left) of Bonsoiree and Phillip Foss of EL ideas.

Not every chef slash restaurateur in town is excited about Chicago Restaurant Week, taking place Feb. 17-26.

Bonsoiree's Shin Thompson and EL ideas' Phillip Foss are planning an Anti Restaurant Week Dinner smack dab in the middle of the annual event on Feb. 21, according to GrubStreet Chicago.

"Restaurant Week is based on your ability to add volume, and for a small restaurant like Phillip's or mine, there's no way to make $33 or $44 work for us doing the kind of menu we do," Thompson tells GrubStreet.

They're planning an elaborate multi-course meal at the BYOB Bonsoiree, and they're still working on the details. We were lucky to get a sneak preview of a couple of dishes Foss is planning to serve during a massively delicious 13-course dinner at his restaurant Wednesday.

EL ideas' inventive chocolate dessert of raspberries and "forbidden" roses is set to be on the menu of the 'Anti Restaurant Week' Dinner. (Photo: 312 Dining Diva)

During the progressive dinner that included many seafood dishes, Foss served black bass that came with marinated hedgehog mushrooms and onions. It was understated but packed much flavor.

And one of the desserts was an inventive chocolate offering of raspberries and "forbidden" roses that gave off the intoxicating aroma of the flowers. It would be amazing if Foss included that dish on a Valentine's Day menu, but we're pretty certain it'll go over well at the planned dinner . . .

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