Monday, February 27, 2012

Last Night at the Oscar After-Parties . . .

Servers prepare to serve Adam Seger's "Moët Red Carpet Glamour" cocktail Sunday at the "Governor's Ball" Oscars' after-party. (Photos: Adam Seger)

The Oscars may have been dismal for celebs and media attending, but Hum Liqueur co-founder and Chicago mixologist Adam Seger likely had the best time of his life.

After winning Moët's cocktail contest, Seger was whisked off to Los Angeles late last week, where he attended pre-Oscar parties, press conferences and more (Check all Seger's Oscar coverage here on Twitter.).

But his biggest moment of the weekend came Sunday after the Academy Awards—which he also attended—when he served all guests his winning Moët Red Carpet Glamour.

Seger at the Oscars Sunday.

Even more impressive was that Seger somehow found his way into one of the hottest post-Oscar events of the night: Harvey Weinstein's after-party for the The Artist—which won Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Picture.

Sounds like an amazing time!

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