Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Rooftop Planned For West Loop ... Or Not?!

Market Bar rooftop photo via

When it comes to chilling on a rooftop lounge in the West Loop, right now you've got two choices: Bottom Lounge and Market Bar.

The problem, however, is that when it comes to chowing down, Bottom Lounge offers super casual fare, and Market's menu, well, isn't all that good.

So, when Eater Chicago recently reported that one of Brendan Sodikoff's upcoming projects was a pizza-focused eatery in a massive space off Green and Randolph streets, we decided to investigate more. Turns out that Sodikoff—who also shares a courtyard with the soon-to-open RM Champagne Salon as well as Graham Elliot's new spot, G.E.B.—is the only one with the green light to utilize the rooftop space.

We were pretty thrilled about the idea of a West Loop rooftop with some good food, but when we reached out to Sodikoff, he had this to say:

"I have roof rights, but probably won't use (them). May not do pizza (concept) either. Got a few ideas . . ."

He wouldn't elaborate on exactly what he plans to do with all that luxurious space, but we'll find out eventually . . . and let you know.

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