Friday, March 23, 2012

Sprout's Short Rib Eggs Benedict

Sprout's Short Rib Eggs Benedict via Serious Eats Chicago.

As Sprout owner Dale Levitsky readies for Frog N Snail's debut next week, Serious Eats Chicago gushes over one of Sprout's signature brunch items.

At $18, the Short Rib Eggs Benedict is quite pricy, but the reviewer still highly recommends it:

"In this deconstructed version, fried green tomatoes stand in for the English muffins, a red-wine reduction steers your attention away from the absence of hollandaise sauce, and the soft and tender short ribs will have you forgetting that ham even exists. Although the succinct menu lists the dish as being served with baby turnips, goat cheese, and broccoli—all of which is true—it fails to mention that this dish is Asian-inspired. Perhaps Levitski wanted his brunch diners to be surprised upon first bite? I certainly was, in the best way possible."

Read the entire review right here.

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