Friday, April 13, 2012

Bleeding Heart To Close Oak Park Store


The Facebook page for Bleeding Heart Bakery's Oak Park location posted this message Thursday afternoon:

"This morning I bring bittersweet news. I'd like to thank Oak Park for your support throughout the years however we have chosen to close our baby store. With the opening of Elmhurst we saw many of our regulars switch to that store and with our new home base opening at 1351 West Belmont we need to concentrate our efforts in keeping what we do have alive and kicking and focus on what is most important.

"Michelle has suffered with health problems that aren't going away soon and we also have many side projects including our own tv show in the works. We will stay open until our last group on pick up day, which is the first week of May, but our hours will slim down.

"Any orders placed for after our closing day will be available either at Elmhurst, Belmont or for Delivery to your door. Again, we thank our loyal followers and customers and we hope you can find your way to Elmhurst or Belmont."

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