Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Give Dad What He Really Wants . . .

McGee's "Classic Car Brunch." (Photo: Freddy Love)

How come Dad always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to his big day?!

Wack-ass ties. Cologne that smells more like shoe polish. And frou-frou brunches fit for a queen, not a king.

Not this year. Instead, give him what he really wants and take him to an event like the annual Classic Car Brunch at McGee's Tavern.

In its seventh year, CCB occurs on Father's Day and showcases the retro rides of his wildest dreams. Look for classic cars to line Webster Avenue at Sheffield all afternoon. There's a bonus if you've got a muscle car to flex yourself: Park it and you'll get brunch for free. 10am-3pm Sunday.

Leave the corny Father's Day stuff to Mr. Brady. Poppa won't preach if you treat him to even more cool happenings at

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