Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crazy Blind Item About Michelin-Starred Chef!


This dropped in my inbox last night:

"(Redacted) put in the back of a squad car for shooting fireworks off on (Redacted) Avenue for the second night this week at 10:30 at night on a Wednesday. And we are talking about huge fireworks, not little ones."

This is one of the biggest chefs in the city, by the way. In fact, this particular culinary star has a Michelin star . . .

UPDATE: Whoops. Eater Chicago let the cat out the bag.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sounds like Michael Carlson to me...

  3. Would this happen to be Chef Michael Carlson of Schwa in Wicker Park??? I live two blocks over and I kept hearing fireworks last night and thinking exactly that, "WTF are fireworks going off on a Wednesday night?!"

  4. I was there and it was amazing..

  5. Couldn't happen to a more arrogant guy.

  6. Sorry you think he is arrogant. I accept that he doesn't deal with the "business side" like normal restaurants. Schwa "is what it is" and I think the risk is worth the reward when I'm able to eat the food of one of the most talented, interesting and unusual guys I've ever met.

  7. When I tried to make 2 reservations (mind you, I had never been there before), I was told that he would grant me just 1 reservation because he wanted everyone to have the opportunity to experience his restaurant. When I arrived with my party, they made sure to tell us that we needed to get out before the next seating at 9. A so-so dining experience followed. Grateful I didn't make that other reservation. What a tool.
