Monday, August 20, 2012

Benefit Set For Harvest Moon Farms at Metro

(Photo: Harvest Moon Farms)

Many farms have been affected by the summer's drought, and here's a way for you to pitch in and help.

Viroqua, Wis.-based Harvest Moon Farms has been credited by those in the local bartending community as being instrumental in the craft mixology scene. They've been hit pretty hard by the drought, so they've held a number of fundraisers, including one happening Thursday at Metro.

The Last Drought Benefit will feature live music from Mr. Blotto as well as other local bands, with the show starting at 8pm (doors open at 7). For those who'd like to help even more, there's a Farm to Bar cocktail reception featuring some of Chicago's bar stars (such as Adam Seger of Hum Liqueur) at Smart Bar from 6-8pm. Those who purchase those tickets also get VIP balcony seating for the show.

Tickets are $26 ($31 at the door) for the concert only; VIP reception is $101 ($126 at the door). All proceeds benefit Harvest Moon Farms and here's where you purchase tickets.

Plans are also underway for Drought Aid 2012 at Uncommon Ground in September.

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