Thursday, December 6, 2012

Acadia's Ryan McCaskey Insists That He Has No Plans To Open Additional Venues

Ryan McCaskey, owner/chef of Acadia (Photo: Anthony Tahlier for Acadia)

According to Acadia publicist Jenn Galdes, this is not true:

"(Ryan) McCaskey's long-term goal is to make Acadia the cornerstone of his restaurant empire and branch out into more casual endeavors. 'I want to open up a bar and a more casual spot. A dingy clubby little restaurant. I want to open a breakfast/lunch place. Right now I'm kind of in the mood to open up a killer bar with family meal food,' he says."

Apparently the quote originated in a mock article posted on Eater Chicago on Monday. A candidate for the open editor position submitted the story following a "mock" interview with the chef/owner, and for some odd reason, they decided to publish it.

When told that none of this information was true they refused to take it down. What a weird situation, but McCaskey insists that he has no plans to branch out anytime soon . . .

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