Monday, December 17, 2012

Fitness Experts' Sound Advice on Dining & Drinking During the Holidays

Shred415 instructor Mark Beier. (Photo: Shred415)

You're pretty disciplined with diet and exercise most of the time, which may tempt you to slack off during the holiday season. But a few fitness experts around town advise that while it's okay to treat yourself occasionally, don't allow the indulgence to completely throw you off your plan.

Further, recommends Flywheel Chicago instructor Antonia DeSantis, eating healthier on your own when you're not at holiday gatherings is more important than ever.

"Make sure you are eating extra clean when you aren't celebrating," DeSantis says. "Your daily food intake should remain healthy to offset the heavier foods at the parties."

That's some pretty solid advice! Here are some additional tips from DeSantis as well as other fitness experts on what to eat and where they enjoy wining and dining in Chicago.

1 comment:

  1. its very hard to control on diet and dining while anybody on hollyday so self control on diet is very importance
