Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Be a sommelier for a day

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Bistro 110's main dining room

This is one of my favorite events. Well, actually any event that includes endless amounts of bubbly is my favorite. But anyway, Bistro 110's (110 E. Pearson St., 312-266-3114) "Sommelier for a Day" is a walkaround wine-tasting event allowing guests to rate their favorites. The most popular selections make the menu.

It's approps that tonight's party takes on bubbly as most restaurants are gearing up for the busy holiday season. Bistro 110 is also celebrating its 20th anniversary, so they'll be sampling Champagne and sparkling wines from France to California.

Also, Executive Chef Dominique Tougne will pair specialty items with the Champagnes and sparkling wines, including smoked salmon pizza, mushroom ravioli, braised short ribs and more. It's $45, or $35 for Levy preferred members. 6-8pm. tonight.

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