Tuesday, November 6, 2007

'Dodo has left the building . . .'

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. . .states the message on Dodo's website (dodochicago.com), as it closed late last week. I'm kinda sad because it was right in my 'hood in Ukrainian Village and I only got to get over there once since it opened early in 2006.

But have no fear. This eatery, which calls its well-received concept "breakfast+lunch=breakunch," is not going to be extinct for long. In early '08, they're re-opening at 2003 W. Fulton St. at the corner of Fulton and Damen. The owner says he had to get out of his original location due to serious landlord issues and ongoing electrical problems. We're really going to miss those thick hotcakes, strong coffee and hearty sandwiches. Stay tuned for the opening date.

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