Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beaujolais is back

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Pops For Champagne celebrates Beaujolais Nouveau Day tonight.

It's really not as pretentious as it sounds: a bunch of onephiles standing around waiting for the once-a-year release of a nouveau wine. Oh, well maybe it does.

Regardless, Beaujolais Nouveau Day is kind of a big deal as the wine is traditionally released for sale worldwide on the third Thursday of November each year. Beaujolais nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It's the most popular vin de primeur, fermented for just a few weeks then officially released for sale on the third Thursday of November. The wine is generally dominated by fruity, ester flavors of bananas and pear drops.

To celebrate its arrival, Pops For Champagne (601 N. State St., 312-266-7677) is offering Joseph Drouhin 2007 for $6 a glass and $30 a bottle all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday (Nov. 15-17).

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