Thursday, November 15, 2007

These guys want to upgrade your nightlife

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The principals behind Table4Ten

With all the people complaining about first class not being what it used to be, these guys should come in handy.

Table4Ten, a Chicago-based premier concierge and VIP hosting company, aims to bring back high stylin' and big ballin' in a way we've never seen before. Owners Justin Brown, Morris Gershengorin and Imran Hussain believe they've discovered the missing link for those looking for an “insider” experience while traveling to foreign locales or looking for entertainment in their resident cities. From elite bottle service and dining reservations to booking private jet travel to providing security, clients are offered a top of the line experience based on their individual needs and desires for luxurious treatment in their daily lives and or travel.

Tonight at Enclave (220 W. Chicago Ave.), they're debuting with an
over-the-top party with a jet set theme. As guests enter the venue, Lamborghini and Bentley cars will line the red carpet to give guests a sneak peak of what’s inside. Waitresses will be morphed into flight attendants, while doorman and bartenders will be pilots for the evening. The party takes off from 8:30pm-2am, and prompt guests will be able to enjoy complimentary Level Vodka cocktails from 9-11pm.

Wanna be in the mix? Guests must RSVP to

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