Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Deal of the day . . .

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So I remember a few weeks ago the "Today" show did this story on "blind dining," where customers ate multiple-course meals wearing blindfolds and had to figure out what they were eating. It was intriguing at the least, but quite daunting.

While I haven't come across any blind-dining deals in Chicago, I found this blind wine tasting event tonight at NoMI (800 N. Michigan Ave., 312-239-4030), the award-winning restaurant on the seventh floor of the Park Hyatt Hotel. "Cellar Notes," an open-house style party, takes place every Tuesday for $30 until the end of the year, and tonight's event is "Blind Tasting 101." Who knows what they're going to feature, but it's certain to be an entertaining event that challenges your taste buds. Cellar Notes occurs 5:30-7:30pm, but if you cannot make tonight, here is the rest of the schedule:

Nov. 13 - Australia and New Zealand
Nov. 20 - California Rising Stars
Nov. 27 - Alsace
Dec. 4 - Oregon Wines
Dec. 11 - Sparkling Wines and Champagne
Dec. 18 - Burgundy

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