Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deal of the day . . .

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Don't think of burritos as the late-night treat you need following a night of drinking and carrying on.

Former anchorman Bill Kurtis has teamed up with Burrito Beach to offer a healthier version that's also good for the environment. The Barbacoa Burrito, made with Kurtis' eco-friendly Tallgrass beef, can be found at all seven Burrito Beach locations until the end of the year. Tallgrass beef is naturally-nourished by a food source--grass--and produced without sub-therapeutic antibiotics, growth hormones or grain. The meat is usually found at higher-end restaurants, but with the Barbacoa, you can sample it for only $6.79.

To create the Barbacoa, Burrito Beach slow-cooks and marinates Tallgrass beef brisket in its signature “Baja” salsa, then rolls the brisket in a flour tortilla, accompanied by house-made salsa verde, smoky pinto beans, Spanish rice, shredded jack cheese, diced tomatoes, romaine lettuce, fresh onion-cilantro mix, and sour cream.

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each burrito will be donated to the Green City Market.

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