Monday, November 12, 2007

Jimmy Bannos helps rebuild the Big Easy

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He’s a strong supporter of New Orleans’ culture and cuisine, and ever since Hurricane Katrina struck, he’s done all he can to help.

So the latest effort Heaven on Seven’s Jimmy Bannos is doing is this worthy event happening Wednesday, Nov. 14 5:30-8pm. He’s teaming up with the Trust for Public Land to benefit New Orleans’ City Park with a benefit at the Chicago Cultural Center (78 E. Washington Blvd.).

First guests may observe two presentations in the Claudia Cassidy Theater, “Geographies of New Orleans: Urban Fabrics Before and After the Storm” and “City Park: Progress to Date,” then join Bannos for a reception at his Heaven on Seven Loop location at 111 N. Wabash Ave., seventh floor. He’ll be serving up cocktails and his spin on New Orleans fare. $125 for both events; $100 for cocktail reception; $25 for presentation only. 312-263-6443 for tickets.

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