Monday, July 7, 2008

Cocktails & Conversation with Salman Rushdie


What a shock for me to find a random email about controversial author Salman Rushdie making a rare appearance at Vermilion this week.

But what's even more random is that "Top Chef" co-host and model Padma Lakshmi—who just happens to be Rushdie's ex-wife—told me that Vermilion was her favorite Indian restaurant in the country.

Anyway, Rushdie's only going to be there 8:30-9:30pm Thursday for an event they're calling Cocktails & Conversation. No tickets, cash bar. Get there early and check out the food that Lakshmi lusted after.

1 comment:

  1. It wasn't that random of an appearance. Salman Rushdie is an investor at Vermilion's offshoot in NYC-- called At Vermilion--which opened last week.
