Monday, July 7, 2008

Two chefs, one question, two answers . . .

Michael Tsonton, executive chef/owner of Copperblue.

Chefs are used to answering questions about all things food, but what happens when they're asked to give their favorite drink recipe?!

Michael Tsonton (Copperblue): "Buy a case of bottled Miller High Life, 'The Champagne of Bottled Beers.' Get a tub large enough to hold all 24 bottles and place them in the tub. Recycle the box. Cover the beer in ice and cold water and place in the walk-in. After getting your ass kicked on Saturday night where 2/3 of the dining room ordered dégustation menus, and two tables forget to tell you they had theater tickets, twist the top from an icy bottle and enjoy. Repeat until the tub is empty. Move to vodka."

Tony Priolo (Piccolo Sogno): "Blood orange juice, vodka and a splash of Campari with a blood orange twist."

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