Friday, November 7, 2008

Update on next project from The Gage team


Way back in April, Dish had this to report on The Gage:

"Dirk Flanigan and Billy Lawless, the men behind The Gage (24 S. Michigan Ave.; 312-372-4243), have secured the 2,000-square-foot space next door, and are moving forward with a new concept. 'We are still working on what we want to do,' Flanigan says, 'but I can tell you that it’s going to be one of the coolest spots in Chicago—if not the coolest spot on Michigan Avenue. It’s going to be really, really cool. . . . "Cool" is what I can give you right now.' Stay tuned for more."

I caught up with them today for an update, and they had this to say:

"I can confirm that we are doing a new restaurant just north of The Gage. Similar to The Gage, it is in a historically landmarked building; so, prior to building out the interior, the façade of the building will be restored—which is the gating factor. Erected in the late 1800s, the façade was one of architect Louis Sullivan’s last commissions. Our goal is to open by Fall 2009, and I will be able to share details about our concept in a month or so."

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what Billy and Dirk have in store. I used to love visiting the Irish Oak back in the day when Billy was still the manager. These guys know the business.
