Friday, November 7, 2008

Who will cook for Obama in the White House?!


When Prez Obama and the First Family move into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in January, in addition to a new puppy for the girls, there'll be a new exec chef in the kitchen.

Let's cross our fingers that the professed foodies bring one of our esteemed local culinary kings—or queens—with them.

According to this article, the Obamas' tastes in restaurants range from Italian Fiesta Pizza on the South Side to Spiaggia (where they spent their wedding anniversary in October), the award-winning Mag Mile gem overseen by Tony Mantuano.

They're also big fans of mega-chef Rick Bayless' upscale Mexican eatery Topolobampo; Kendal Duque's fashionable French fare at Sepia (which is right next door to Michelle Obama's favorite dress designer Maria Pinto); and Art Smith's homey celeb magnet Table Fifty-Two that's popular for its Sunday fried-chicken suppers.

Hey, he cannot go wrong with any of those guys!

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