Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rock chef opens Feast with a bang


She's served as private chef for the likes of Paul McCartney, the Rolling Stones and Rod Stewart, but Tuesday Debra Sharpe (Feast, Goddess & Grocer) was in the spotlight with an event for the Australian Red Cross to raise money for the bushfire victims.

Held in conjunction with the grand opening for the new Gold Coast location for Feast, the benefit raised a nice chunk of cash to help the Aussies.

The second Feast is completely different from the original, more family-friendly spot, offering a beer-focused menu, as noted by Urban Daddy:

"On a Friday night before hitting the bars, you'll slip in for a casual dinner—one of the rock-solid burgers, paired with a cold Fat Tire or a get-this-party-started scotch (or both). Post-bar, you'll wind things down in the lounge with Brisket Sliders, or maybe a simple prosciutto pizza for two."

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