Monday, April 20, 2009

Someone needs anger management . . .


So. Over the weekend, 312DD posted this little Twitter status update:

"I hate to be a bit of a b*tch, but if you refuse to follow ANYONE on Twitter, you don't deserve any props from me. Yeah, I said it!"

And less than 30 minutes later got this totally unexpected comment on my Facebook page from the irascible executive chef Graham Elliot Bowles:

"Wow, looks like someone needs get a grip and find some new shit worry about!"

Seriously?! Is this how a highly regarded chef acts? This is a guy we've been tracking since he opened his eponymous, cutting-edge eatery in River North last year around this time. So, what is really going on here?

Took at look at his Twitter account and indeed he is not following anyone, so maybe, just maybe there's a bit of a guilty conscience there . . .

Is someone so vain he thought that Tweet was about him?!


  1. I think this is the simple differnece between one person making their living by being creative and expressing their soul and passion...and another person making their "living" by writing about what others do...
    No one else cares that GEB doesn't "follow" anyone! FInd something better to "report".

  2. Looks like someone missed the entire point of this post.

    Read it again . . . he ASSUMED he was being targeted . . .
