Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Experts Weigh in on What to Expect in 2010

Arturo Gomez of Rockit Ranch Productions (Photo: Arturo Gomez)

What big trends should you expect in the New Year?!

NBCChicago.com spoke to a number of local experts, including Arturo Gomez of Rockit Ranch Productions (Rockit Bar & Grill, Sunda, Underground) and yours truly, on what to look forward to in dining, nightlife, music and more.

Says Gomez:

"This year, guests will be cautiously optimistic. The effect of the economy will have people searching for value-added experiences, but operators will see continually increasing guest counts.

"As far as hospitality trends themselves, microbrews and small batch beers continue their popularity and whiskies and gins will be everywhere, with vodka falling behind from its pre-eminent position in the cocktail category.

"Asian and Latin cuisine are where people want to eat now, and that's only going to be expanded upon. Casual, relaxed dining where you aren't emptying your wallet for a night out is not only the way of 2010, but will likely be the preferred dining trend that's here to stay."

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