Monday, January 11, 2010

Lady Goes Gaga Over 'Goddess'


Pop icon Lady Gaga apparently ate well during her weekend stint in Chicago.

First, it was reported here exclusively that she was spotted chowing down on a burger at Kuma's Corner.

Now we just found out that Debbie Sharpe—celebrity caterer who's served for the likes of the Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney and U2 backstage—served the star and her staff during the Rosemont Theatre concerts.

She gleefully proclaimed in a series of tweets that her cafe/store Goddess and Grocer satisfied all:

"Does anybody know where to buy 5-factor bars in Chicago? Am catering Lady Gaga and they're on the rider."

"Everybody at gaga is gaga over our catering."

"Another #1 hit from goddess & grocer catering for lady gaga show."

"They're going GaGa for our red velvet cupcakes."

"Oprah's crew digging their dinner at GaGa show."

"Microwaving lavender filled teddy and now it's to bed. Loved catering for Lady Gaga and crew but totally exhausted."

Soooo hawt.

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