Sunday, April 4, 2010

Schwa's Closed For Renovations . . .

Steven Lee (left), wine director for Sixteen, with the acclaimed Schwa owner/chef Michael Carlson. (Photo: Steven Lee)

We found out the hard way Friday that Schwa super chef Michael Carlson—who's up for a Beard award next month—had decided to shut his restaurant down for the Easter weekend in order to make some renovations.

Yeah, four of us strolled up to one of the city's notoriously difficult places to get into at 8pm on a Friday, crossing our fingers that we just might have a chance snagging a table.

Not only did we not get in, but all the tables were gone, and the walls and floor were getting an overhaul. There was also a guy furiously sanding the floors.

The restaurant's expecting to reopen Wednesday for regular service.

Let that teach us a lesson for showing up unexpected!

UPDATE: Looks like Schwa won't be re-opening Wednesday after all. A source says it might be another week before the restaurant reopens . . .

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