Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rockin' Taco Closed Due to Robbery

(Photo: Rockin' Taco)

Some soulless person robbed Lakeview's awesome-est taco joint, Rockin' Taco, early this morning.

The owner posted this to his Facebook page:

"Sorry to disappoint, but we will be closed today. This morning, at approximately 4:00am, someone bashed in our front door and robbed us. We have some clean up to do, but we hope to be open again tomorrow. Please stay tuned."

Thank God no one was injured. We're glad to hear they'll also have a full recovery . . .

UPDATE: Owner posted a new message to Facebook: "Great news all is back to how it should be and we are ready to Rock Out with some Tacos out for everybody. Thank you for your continued support. We can't be stopped!"

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