Monday, November 8, 2010

Alinea Chef Immortalized at Barney's NY

(Photo: Natasha Liberman)

Gold Coast luxury retailer Barneys New York just unveiled its Christmas window display, and guess who got his mug in the mix?!

None other than Alinea super chef Grant Achatz, who tweeted that the first person to post this photo "2 Next Restaurant Facebook wins 2 free tickets during opening week."

Natasha Liberman of a la card chicago was the lucky winner.

Hopefully the highly anticipated restaurant in the Warehouse District opens before the end of the year . . .


  1. did you see that Rick Bayless is right next to him, life size as well? amazing!

  2. Yep, I saw it. Natasha sent that pic as well, but it was obstructed by a ladder, so I couldn't use it. :(
