Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Eve Closes in the New Year

(Photo: Eve)

Add Eve to the growing list of restos (also Spring, Sola) set to close right after New Year's Eve.

That's a damn shame because we'll certainly miss the signature lobster sausage made famous by its chef Troy Graves. Most of all, we'll miss the Friday-Sunday brunch where you can get bottomless Mimomas for $22 paired with entrees like the lamb burger, lobster Benedict, or chicken and waffles.

No word yet on where Graves will end up next, but he's so talented that we don't expect him to be out of the kitchen for long . . .


  1. This sucks! This place became our Saturday spot as soon as we found out about the bottomless mimosas. Good food and a friendly staff.

  2. Really sorry about Eve...but I believe Sola is moving south tothe River North area and the old spot (what's now Sola) will be renamed Ichana (I think that's the word; my Hawaiian is a little rusty). So, the good news is another place is opening.

  3. Any updates on this? I've read that the last night is NYE but have also seen reports of it closing after the new year. Been calling all day for a reso this Saturday but no answer. I'd love to take advantage of the bottomless mimosas one last time!
